This article responds to the objective of analyzing the main quality indicators of the Program (organization, process and impact) and establish corrective measures in which they do not achieve the recommended value in the quality guides. The current article lists all the indicators established in the European Guide of all rounds finalized between the start of the pilot test implementation until the 5th round is over.

As outstanding results, commenting that the overall participation rate went from 17.2% in the first round to 35.9% in the last (p <0.0001), being greater among women than in men in all the rounds Adherence exceeded 85% in the final round. Rates for high risk adenomas and cancers were higher in the initial screening and in men, regardless of the test. Detection rates increased statistically significantly with the incorporation of FIT.

Most cancers were diagnosed in initial stages (61.4%), with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.024) among those detected in the initial screening (52.6%) of the successive (70.0%).

The article by Dr. Gemma Binefa has been published in the Scientific Report.

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