At the Tobacco Control Unit (UCT for its name in Catalan) we are a large group of professionals, motivated by our mission, excited about the impact we have on tobacco control locally and internationally. We need more people who, in a stimulating and demanding work climate, and at the same time tremendously enriching and fun, want to train and work with us. We are in a dynamic and growing environment, such as the Bellvitge Campus, the metropolitan hub for research in health sciences formed by IDIBELL, the University of Barcelona, ​​Bellvitge Hospital and the Catalan Institute of Oncology.

Work with us. Job offers related to our projects are advertised here. If you want to apply for a scholarship or contract in official calls (FPI, FPU, Marie Curie, ERC, etc.) to work and train at the UCT, also contact us. The UCT with the ICO and IDIBELL support offices can help you.

Train with us. The UCT welcomes undergraduate and graduate students and professionals who want to make a stay (such as sabbaticals, internships, residency rotations, etc.) collaborating in any of the research projects or in the cessation clinic.