Tobacco control is one of the priority objectives of the Health Plan of Catalonia, other directives (oncology and respiratory diseases) and the Research and Innovation Strategic Plan in Health (PERIS) 2016-2020. For this reason throughout the projects developed at UCT we aim to directly impact on tobacco prevention and control both in our immediate environment (ICO) and at the national and international levels.
Nowadays, the UCT maintains firm collaborations with national and international institutions, including the World Health Organization, which has designated the UCT-ICO as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Tobacco Control.
The origin of the UCT is the Tobacco Research Group led by Dr. Esteve Fernández that was formed in 2000 in the course of the Prevention and Cancer Control Program (PPCC) of the ICO. The group has developed diverse research projects in the area of tobacco control both coordinated by ICO Team and in collaboration with other institutions such as the Public Health Agency of Barcelona and Catalonia, the Research Institute Mario Negri (Milan), the Imperial College of London, the University of Crete, the Center for Tobacco control Research and Education of the University of California (San Francisco), the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (ENSP), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The activities of the Centre have expanded with UCT participation in the European research projects and coordination of the Catalan Smoke-Free Hospital Network, notably increasing the number of the professionals involved and, respectively, productivity in both areas, research and intervention activities.
The group is accredited by the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants of the Generalitat of Catalonia as a Consolidated Research Group (Research Group on Epidemiology of Tobacco Control, 2021SGR00906).
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