The Tobacco Control Unit (TCU) of ICO actively engaged in the 27th International Nursing Research Conference, alongside the X Iberoamerican Congress of Qualitative Research in Health, hosted by the Research Unit in Care and Health Services (Investén-isciii) from November 15 to 17 in Valladolid.

During the event, Researcher Nathália Silva Fontana Rosa, a collaborator of the TCU, delivered two oral presentations highlighting ongoing projects: DUCATA and Smoke-Free Homes. The focus of both presentations cantered on the qualitative processes integral to the projects’ development.

In the DUCATA project, emphasis was placed on showcasing the participatory co-creation process employed in designing a gamified monitoring tool (webapp). This tool aims to gather essential information, including consumption patterns and cannabis-tobacco abstinence syndrome.

For the Smoke-Free Homes project, the presentation unveiled the outcomes of the adaptation process for the intervention material. This adaptation was achieved through a participatory approach involving in-depth interviews and focus groups.

The TCU’s active participation in this Congress served as a platform to share with the scientific community the qualitative methodological constructs being implemented in their projects.

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